Meditation: A friendly, meandering journey of finding the infinite within

Simply the mere idea of meditation is enough to get people to resist internally.  There is something frightening, to most, about the idea of being present with one’s thoughts.  It’s as if just being quiet and allowing one’s thoughts to rise is going to lead to insanity.  Or maybe somehow bring forth dark or “evil” thoughts.  So what we do instead is distract, repress, and fill with all sorts of things that mean absolutely nothing.  We then call this sanity. 

Becoming aware of one’s thoughts is reaching to the place inside in which change is possible.  It never leads to a bad outcome.  It may feel unpleasant for a spell, but ultimately one’s awareness is what allows one’s thoughts to be released.  Pretending they are not there is not the same as letting them go.  If one wishes to become lighter in thought and body one simply needs to develop awareness.  A moment to moment awareness is the goal but you don’t just start there.  Meditation is a skill developed over time.  Patience is needed to allow for a deepening of mind awareness.   One engages in techniques specifically designed to build powers of concentration in order to gain insight into the workings of one’s mind.  The techniques are numerous.  The individual effectiveness is varied.  One must chart their own course, but tools are available to show you the path. 

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As one develops greater awareness of self, patterns of disharmony emerge.  You become aware of how certain types of thoughts make you feel.  You become aware of which foods nourish you and which foods do something else entirely.  Over time, with greater experience, you began to see what emotions or thoughts lead to craving certain types of food, beverages, and intoxicants.  You then are in a greater position to make a different choice, one that comes from a place of empowerment rather than one of reaction.  As you learn to navigate the unfolding mystery of all the varying nuances of being that you as a complex unit of memory, thought, experience, intellect, emotions (love and fear) make up, you can than begin to understand what your triggers are in life.  What motivations exist behind all the decisions you make in everyday life.  Once you can witness these things as an observer rather than the subject you then find yourself comfortably seated in the driver’s seat.  Your choices need no longer be reactionary.  You can now tackle the challenges life throws at you with greater levels of clarity and peace.  That doesn’t mean life will always go the way you want it to, but that your peace of mind will allow you to weather whatever storm comes up on this meandering journey we all tread.     

What is Conscious Communication? And... Why should you care?

Would you like to be able to say what you mean and mean what you say?  To speak your thoughts from a place of clarity of mind and centeredness rather than from reactionary drivel spurred on by emotions run amok?  

What would that look like for you? How do you feel others would respond to you if they felt you were fully present and truly hearing them?

Not categorizing, not jumping ahead, not judging but rather solidly and patiently present with them.

 How much of your words arise from past experiences, from conditioned responses to certain situations, or from wanting to appear a certain way? Where is the authenticity behind your words?

Communication becomes much less stressful when it comes from conscious thoughts with conscious intentions.  There is much less possibility of miscommunication of your actual thoughts or hearing something different than the words and intent behind the words being shared with you by another.  Communication is always an exchange of much more than words. There are non-verbal cues. There is the energy of intent. And there is the space available between the people communicating.  This space is directly proportionate to the ability of each individual to hold mental silence while the other is speaking. This creates an opening for sharing on all levels of communication.  

Do you know how to be silent when someone is speaking to you? What does that mean?

It means you aren’t categorizing what is being said. You aren’t judging content. You aren’t jumping to conclusions about where the conversation is headed.  You aren’t planning your response in advance. You are instead engaged in active listening and sharing space (physical, emotional, and mental) while in the flow of varied exchanges that are experienced within a conscious conversation.

How does one develop skill in conscious communication?  

It starts with developing awareness of one’s own thoughts and intentions.  Becoming hyper vigilant about the words you are using and how they are shaping the world around you.  

What beliefs are you holding?

  • Beliefs about yourself.
  • Beliefs about others.
  • Beliefs about the “realities” of the world.  
  • Beliefs about life itself.

All of these beliefs will influence your communication. Most of which happens on the subconscious level.  

How do we discover what is hidden below the surface?

We are all very clear about what makes up the tip of the iceberg but how do we map out and comprehend what exists beneath the tip we have managed to expose and see?  How do we see all? Meditation. Love of self and others. Forgiveness. Most thoughts stem from past experience or future concerns. If we release the past and let the future reveal itself from moment to moment the mind becomes very quiet.  Communication becomes a joyous sharing of new moments. Fresh eyes make all you come across interesting. You are free to communicate in new ways. You can now be moved by new topics and different types of people.

How do you think it would feel to communicate with someone without judgment or agenda?  Do you think it could be you? What would you imagine to be important to one engaging life on that level? How about freedom? Openness? Lightness? Spaciousness? Centeredness? Do you think there would be space for fear? Disappointment? Indecision? Judgment? Worry? What do you think the world would look like if that level of communication was the standard for day to day communication globally?

As you begin looking into your communication patterns, a journal may be a useful tool to keep track of patterns, epiphanies, and new commitments. 

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