So many things I intend to create.... and one trick to manifesting is....

It is important that you get clear for yourself that your only access to impacting life is action. The world does not care what you intend, how committed you are, how you feel or what you think, and certainly it has no interest in what you want and don’t want. Take a look at life as it is lived and see for yourself that the world only moves for you when you act.
— Werner Erhard

Wow. Is that harsh? 

Maybe a little. 

Is it true? 

Not that long ago, I may have questioned it more, resisted its wisdom more. And what I've seen lately is that life responds in direct proportion to our capacity and willingness to take action to get the results we are looking to achieve. 

We want to believe that intentions are the end all be all, and in doing so, what we fail to realize is that the intention is the STARTING POINT. And FROM that starting point, life shows us actions that we can choose to take to achieve our result. That's when life gets to learn how serious we are about getting what it is we say (or think) we want....

Do we take the action? Or do we not take the action? 

And commitment, let's go there. Commitment is another important starting point...   Out of thousands of ideas we create, intention and commitment (together) is how we work with life to specify which ideas we want to manifest. But does it stop there?

If we are TRULY committed, then when life provides an opening or a step towards what we want, do we not take it?? And if we don't take it, do we then have an opening to question where our commitment really lies? If we are continuously judging the openings or steps as “not right” or making excuses not to step forward, what does that say about our commitment to what it is that we say we want?

Certainly I’m not advocating taking every step that appears in front of you. It is always best to take time to check in and discern if this is the step for you at this time. AND rarely is the answer to that ever “No” to every single opportunity with which you are presented.

So…   don’t we prove to life “what we want” and “what we don’t want” based upon our actions? It makes sense that we do, and that life (or the Universe, or God...) responds to that with even more opportunity...   in the form of…   the NEXT step forward towards what it is we want.

Here’s the point though…. 

The vision boards that are made at the end of one year or the beginning of the next …  they don’t help us at all if we aren’t willing to take the risk of taking action to get what it is we said we wanted. If we aren’t willing to take that risk, it was an art project and nothing else. It wasn’t visioning….

When someone creates the vision for a company, they don’t stop there. If they do, the company is never born. People, never served or helped by that business.

When an architect drafts the plans for the house, the overall vision for the construction, the house isn’t complete. Nor is it manifested from thin air at any point. It is, in fact, created from the sweat and hard work of many individuals working in collaboration using the vision as the guide.

Your dreams are exactly like this. You have to be willing to sweat to get them. Be willing to put yourself out on your very edge of comfort to gain what it is that you desire. Be willing to go ONE STEP FURTHER than THAT. 

THEN you will see the fruits of your labors; THEN you will gain more than you ever thought possible.

As a result of your actions.