How much is TOO much.....?

Do you know all the right things to do, the routines and thoughts that will help project you towards your “goal self” and still have trouble following through on them?

Have you read all (or most) of the books and know what the best advice is for changing your circumstances?

Do you know that your thoughts matter, that your beliefs matter maybe even a little bit more, and yet you can’t seem to change your patterns?

I’m hearing from more and more people for whom this is their current reality. And trust me when I say, I know that this is a frustrating place. You literally witness yourself doing something, and at the same time (if you’re anything like I’ve been) berate yourself because you know it’s not the “right” thing to think or do in that moment.

First of all, if this resonates with you, I get it. And second of all, this can be an indicator of progression or of needing to take a different approach.

The thing that I see many people do when they are in THIS place is…  keep reading the books, keep inundating their mind with more and more information… when…..

The best thing to do is to have time to assimilate all the knowledge you’ve acquired and at the same time, master it…  by PRACTICING it.

Reading more books during this juncture will only muddy the waters of your already full mind. It will create MORE information to assimilate when your essence wants you to process what it already has and begin to embody THAT.

The other thing it could be telling you is this…   YOU HAVE YOUR OWN DIVINE GUIDANCE RIGHT INSIDE YOU.  Caps for emphasis...  I really want to you to hear this truth.

Books are glorious and I adore them…  I may even write one myself. AND I know that the best medicine for you is the medicine that comes from deep within YOU. 

A book can guide you based upon someone else’s experience and it will work and help IF your experience is like theirs in a specific way. It can guide you towards looking under the right rock to find the golden nugget you’re seeking.

But make no mistake that is not the only way to find that golden nugget. You have the power to find it within you, all by yourself.

The main recommendations I’m making here are this:

  • Do not assume that other people have all of your answers. The only person who has your answers is you.
  • Please begin to recognize when you are “full” mentally…. 
  • Please ask yourself “What do I really need now?”, listen deeply (don’t accept the mind’s answer – only accept the answer from your essence), and then DO THAT THING.

I’d love to hear what shifts come about from this practice.