There’s something different about you.  You know that. 

You are prone to feeling and thinking differently around other people. Sometimes you may act different around other people too and you're not quite sure why. And it's strange because you know when someone is lying. You may even know that an animal is hurting when no one else can tell. Plants too. That's if you even know why you're feeling and thinking the things you are. 

You take on other people's pain or thought patterns. In fact, you sometimes mistake them as your own.

It can be hard to tell the difference between your emotions and thoughts and the emotions and thoughts of others. You’re highly sensitive (or empath if you're familiar with the term) and the chaos in the world around you pulls you in to the extent that you sometimes feel invisible...  not necessarily to others, but invisible to yourself. 

It's as if other people, objects, and events are larger than life and they drown out your recognition of your thoughts, your desires, and your emotions. You can speak to what every other person in the room wants or feels or doesn't want, but when you're asked what you want, what you feel...  Well, you really couldn't say. 

If you're married or in a partnership or relationship, this can be especially exhausting, especially challenging. Your family, spouse, or partner seems to be the priority most of the time, and sometimes you may wonder when it'll be time for you to do what you want to do. Or even just have time to figure out what that is. And yet when you think about it, they aren't even pushing to be the priority. It just seems natural that every one else is priority. It's a choice you willingly make, and why not!?  You don't even know what you want anyway. 

If you're anything like I was, you oscillate between being very happy with your life and being angry and frustrated by the lack of control you seem to have in your very own life. You have a sense that there is something more out there for you, but focusing on yourself long enough to figure that out feels unnatural. And then to make it worse, every time you try to focus in on you, on what you want, the clarity you seek seems to move a little further away. 

The thing is that your own inner whisper is your most valuable resource. It keeps speaking and pointing the way; but as an empath, the voices, needs, and emotions of others are keeping you from hearing it. 

But what if I told you there is a way to reconnect deeply to your soul, a way to illuminate your truth, and what if doing so would start you on a journey of transformation that would begin to make your deepest dreams come true?

And what if you could do it in a sustainable way...  a way that incorporates practices into your life that serve as building blocks to getting where you want to go?

What if you could learn tools to disconnect from what others are thinking and feeling long enough to connect deeply to your own inner whisper?  

What if you could learn to see your sensitivity for the tremendous gift that it is AND gain some control over it so that you remain connected to you

Lastly, what if you not only begin to see what it is that you want from your life, but you also take steps to achieve that vision? 

That’s what I can help you do.

I am issuing you an invitation that is life changing.  

It is not for those who change their minds on whims. It is for the courageous, the bold, and the brave who have been longing for the answers to their deepest questions.

It is for those who will do the work, who know the value of learning new skills that will help you transcend your current reality, those who want to add the tools to your toolbox in order to control aspects of your life that have been seemingly uncontrollable. 

For those who will ask the hard questions, the questions that will reveal things you may have never seen before….

And also have the courage to trust in the answers that unfold.  

It is for those who want to break through barriers, move through the muck that has kept them stuck for months or even years….   

For those who wish to fulfil their most soulful desires, but have no idea how to disconnect from everyone else long enough to take the first step…

It is for you, the ones who are fed up with your status quo... who feel the stirring of change and shift deep within and who aren't sure how to feed this new longing.

It is for those who long for clarity, who want to rest in a state of knowing that they are taking appropriate actions to fulfil their deepest desires.

If this is you, I'm excited that you've found your way here.

You will feel lighter and more free, and with a sense of clarity that brings aligned decisions and direction with ease.

Together we will explore who you are and what you want out of your life at the deepest level. And from there we build your toolbox of practices, positive habits and new perspectives that will help you get there...  step by step.

This will include working to uncover and understand your empathic nature and teaching you ways to manage your sensitivity around others so that you feel a sense of control and choice in all situations. Connecting to others through your empathic gifts can be a huge asset, WHEN you want to use them.

You will soon have the ability to choose when you connect in this way, and the sense of liberation that comes with that choice, all while you maintain the clarity of the vision you hold for your best life. 

I work with women, like you, who are ready for that next step.  

We work together for a minimum of three months because lasting transformation is not a quick fix. 

The Whisper Within property

We meet in person or virtually online, and we dive deep. 

We look at how your sensitivities, habits, beliefs, and relationships are impacting your ability to envision and achieve your desires. We look at your past to the extent that we need to in order to see harmful patterns, learn from them, and finally break free of them. 

I teach you skills and practices to incorporate into new, healthy, helpful habits. Some of these are geared towards managing your empath gifts. Others are tools to keep you on track for achieving the dreams that you are finally hearing from that deepest and wisest part of you. 

We will also work together to determine how and when to connect to others through your gifts, and we'll practice connecting and disconnecting safely and effectively . 

Every step of the way, we use the practices of compassion, awareness, and curiosity to guide us. Of course, accountability is also part of the process and helps us monitor for improvement and refine our areas of focus along the way. 

Your coaching package includes 8 x 60 - minute sessions used over 3 months. 

Investment: $2,770 Pay in Full Option

I love working with empaths specifically because I am one. I have traveled this path and I know the challenges of being empath, finding your whisper, and keeping a lasting and meaningful connection to it. The work I do brings the tools and practices I've learned to empaths all over the world to bring them the emotional and mental freedom I now experience. 

Let's talk and start paving the path for change.